
An instagram user hijay02 revealed this hours ago. According to her, this old man is always luring young girls with his ice cream. Read her epistle below:

This peadophillic man of abt 60years named Egbe from Akwaibom was caught in my street this mrg at abt 11:15am when he lured a 7years old girl with d ice cream he sells, he had brought out his phallus to penetrate before he was caught.

Had to take the case up n ensured he was taken to the nearest police station, i dnt mind the cost but he has to bear the consequences by being sentenced, cus this is definitely nt his 1st tym, but i promise it wld be his LAST TIME.

My statement n that of 3 other people has been taken as he wld b taken to court on Tuesday. Everytime u keep hearing abt RAPE, RAPE, RAPE!!!!! This is a lesson to others that indulge in this act, one day u wld b caught n be exposed.

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