I don’t care about the judgement right now.

Doctors, please help me and put me through my difficult time.
I discovered that I am pregnant after a blood test, the pregnancy was not up to Four weeks because I was suppose to see my period on 6th of January. My last Period date was 14th December.

I took Miso-fem, 800mg vaginally on 9th of January, there was cramps and pains but no bleeding at all. I took the second set the next day by placing the tablets under the tongue and yet no bleeding. I was scared because there was serious pains but I did not even drop a blood.

On Friday, I went for Ultra Sound. The man that attended to me said that if the pregnancy is not up to 4 weeks, It will not show on the scan. I asked him if I was not suppose to see blood after taking Miso-fem even if the pregnancy is not up to a month. He answered affirmatory that I was suppose to bleed.

I talked to a Nurse, the Nurse advised me to get Cytotec.

On Sunday, I bought Cytec. I used it vaginally as well, there was pains but no bleeding. Up till now, I have not bleed after taking Miso-fem and Cytotec. I have been doing exercise hoping it will push out the blood.

What could be the problem? Is there any explanation for this? I have not see my period, no blood and my breasts are sore. Am I still pregnant? Will I bleed later?


  1. If you feel it’s compulsary to abort …just go for DnC …if you leave that pregnancy after taking those pill…I bet it you will produce an imbecile as a child…..since you had serious pain then the child is not in good shape

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