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A notorious rapist that has been harassing the hapless women residing in the Yankaba area of Kano state, has been nabbed by the community’s vigilante group.

Social media user, kingabdull, shared photos of the alleged rapist as he was caught, beaten, stripped naked and tied to a pole.

Giving a detailed explanation of how the culprit was caught by the vigilante group in the early hours of Tuesday morning, August 9th, Kingabdull says that around 4:20am, the criminal broke into a house to ‘sexually dismantle‘ yet another victim, the wife of the owner of the house he entered raised an alarm and all hell was let loose.

He was dragged out, given the beating of his life, tied to a pole and left to face public humiliation to people like Kingabdull who shared the photos of the disgraced, alleged rapist for all to see.

See the full photos below:

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yankaba kano

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