4. He Thinks You Are Actually Fine When You Say You’re Fine

“Hey, you okay? I know we had a bit of an argument last night. I just wanted to text to see if you were okay and whether I should come round later. I love you. I really do, I mean it.”

“I’m fine.”

“Cool!! Does that mean I can go out for some beers with the guys tonight?”

After 40,000 years of evolution, guys still haven’t realised that “I’m fine” means “I’M SO ANGRY AT YOU!”

Apparently it’s a fault in their brain mechanism that only a super scientist could ever correct. But because such a correction would cost $56 billion, it’s never going to happen. Oh, guys.

5. He Can Actually Cook

Sure, he can cook. He can cook some excellent dishes, and can even make a buff soufflé.

He won’t tell you, of course. After all, he doesn’t want to get roped into cooking your meals for you. Instead, he wants you to wait on him hand and foot. He’ll even set fire to a piece of toast just to prove that he’s rubbish in the kitchen.

“I thought toast was supposed to be set on fire.”

6. Guys Need Breaks

Your man loves you, there is no denying it. And whilst they may vow to spend the rest of their days with you, it doesn’t mean they should have to spend every single second with you.

Guys need a break from us. It’s natural. They want a bit of me-time now and then, they need to see their buddies and do guy-stuff. They want to hit the golf course, go to Vegas, or just play some video games with their pals. And whilst it’s nice of you to suggest that he plays golf with you, it just isn’t the same for him. Especially when you keep missing the ball.

“Honey, just hit the ball. Please.”

7. Guys Cry Too

Guys might be masculine lions who enjoy dominating, but it doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy a good cry like the ladies.

The thing is, guys tend not to cry in front of us. But, just like us, they’re still humans who are actually subject to real, human emotions. I know right!

Unlike robots, men actually do get sad. They might weep over a teary film or they might have a moment to themselves, when they think of family members or friends who have passed away.

Every now and then they will even cry if you burn their dinner.

“You burnt the steak? Okay. Give me a moment.”

8. Guys Are Hard-Wired To Look At Women

It’s very easy to get angry and upset when we spot our man checking out another woman, but we shouldn’t take it so seriously.

See, guys are actually hard-wired to check out women! They have six times more testosterone than we do, and this can often cause their libido to get out of control, particularly when there are women around. So what happens is they check women out on auto-pilot. Whilst it seems as though they’re ogling your cute best friend and mentally undressing her, it really isn’t his fault!

Unless he reaches in and kisses her. He definitely can’t blame that on his testosterone.

“It’s the testosterone, honey, I swear!”

Nope, doesn’t cut it.

9. Guys Have Dreams

It may not seem like it after yet another day of toeing the line at work and coming home shattered, but guys do have thoughts above and beyond tomorrow. They have dreams and big plans for the future that they might not share with you, in case you shoot them down.

But despite appearing to be people who live for the day and who struggle to organise the bills, guys do think ahead to what life might be like in 5 years’ time.

10. Guys Treat Dinner Very Seriously

If you’re the kind of girl who orders a salad whilst he orders a steak with all the works, he isn’t going to be too happy if you then proceed to steal all his fries.

You ordered a salad for a reason and he ordered a steak for a reason, so suck it up and eat your cucumbers!

And, no, he doesn’t want to swap a chunk of steak for a few cherry tomatoes.

Do you know other fun facts about guys?

Source: Beauty and Tips


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