
The drama is yet to end. Earlier today we posted the statement by former Miss Anambra Chidinma Okeke where she said her ‘blackmailers’ are threatening to shoot her if she reveals the ‘truth’ of what really happened.

Now, a certain man, Apga Alaigbo has made some startling allegations, claiming that a certain Mr Uche Nworah who heads Anambra Broadcast Service (ABS, the organisers of the beauty pageant) he brains behind the alleged blackmail (Watch Part 2).

He also alleged the contestants in the Miss Anambra pageant are used as Executive prostitutes as they send them to sleep with rich politicians and other rich people.

He pointed to the fact that Chidinma handed over her crown in office, when she ought not to.

Read below Apga Alaigbo’s allegations on Facebook:


Okwodi mmadu nwe ogodo ewu na ata [It is someone that owns the wrapper the goat is chewing].

We know that some Girls have long throat and that puts them into trouble, but some where forced by circumstances of hardship to become a victim or promise from High and Might that makes them to believe that Messiah second coming has come to them earlier .

For Days now the LORDS of ABS TELEVISION ,the MD UCHE NWORAH who prefer to call self “NWA ABA” has been reigning supreme as KING of FRAUD over the Young and future Hope of the state ,making them miserable and lost for personal aggrandisement and personal Lust .

I am not against the money he is making from ABS which he never accounted for because he will send Innocent Girls who came for Industrial Training or who entered for the ABS PAGEANT as SEX PAY OFF to the Authority and because he supply them Young Girls for sexual satisfaction ,he became untouchable.

What they do to pretty girls that went to ABS for IT ,is something for another day not today’s discussion .

The Government certainly cannot say that they were,nt aware that ABS always sent out GIRLS that came to enter into the PAGEANT into the street in a SCAM they called “ONE MILLION GIRLS” ,this Girls will be giving 10 FORMS to be sold at 100,000 NAIRA EACH ,then the mission is for each to sale 10 SONSORSHIP FORMS at 100K ,meaning you make 1 MILLION NAIRA for ABS HUNCHO ,that automatically qualified you for the 21 contestants ,that is after they have finished using your PRIVATE PART as breakfast ,Lunch and Diner .So in cause of selling the FORM ,you caught HIV or any VENERAL DIEASE they will simply wash hands off you and move on to those that get them the money . The health and faith of the Girls does not matter ,what matters is to satisfy the Urge of this Brutes and using this Girls as executive Prostitutes that will make them money and nothing more .

The Girls that are unfortunate not to have people that can buy the FORMS from them are placed under ABIOLA JINADU the SUPER NUMBER 1 PARTNER of the Boss ,that is talking about when he wants to DO lady and KC when he wants to DO MALE ,both ABIOLA and KC acts like a PIMP for BOSS whenever he wants to satisfy his BI SEXUAL URGE .

If this ONE MILLION GIRLS cannot meet the target ,ABIOLA will arrange for the Girls to be PIMPED OFF ,some time to ABUJA, ENUGU, ASABA and where ever there is call to go and service any man that can pay directly into the coffers of the BOSS ,just transport fares for the Girl with marching Order to go –SERVICE AND RETURN .

It is when they make enough money that they will tell the Girl that She has met the target and then she can be enrolled into the 21 .

Where on earth do they expect this Girls to meet Men that can give them 100K per FORM and on what basis ? they simply turn this innocent small girls to EXECUTIVE WHORES and ruin them for life under the watchful eyes of the Government, under the banner of same Government that swore to protect them .

We continue talking about THE BOSS who abandoned the Wife and Children in LONDON and came to Nigeria to live a life that disgust even SATAN himself .

Back to ABS ,they abandoned NEWS and NEWS related and now they delve into BEAUTY CONTEST turning our children into Sex slaves and the WOMEN in the state kept quiet . Securities too weak to investigate and the scam continued .

Presently they forced an innocent Girl who won the treacherous MISS ANAMBRA to continue being a victim and when She said enough is enough ,She became subject that must be gotten rid off .
The Girl returned her CAR and Her CROWN after several threat to her life ,after they promise to end her future ,but that was just the beginning ..

What is the ROLE OF IFEANYI AND OKWUOTO in the shooting of the CUCUMBER SEX TAPE ?

WHO are the men behind the Camera during the recording ?

Where did they rent for the shooting ?

Where this GIRLS KIDNAPPED and force under Duress to act as LESBIANS ,so it can be used in black mailing them knowing fully well that such presentation will repulse people and humiliate the Girls ?
Do the producers think NDI ANAMBRA so dumb that we cannot tell when a deadly set of people start acting like MAFIANS ? ,,We certainly know that there is no way , if both girls are LESBIANS for they to stand a VIDEO and record self and then release it later ,sure ABS may have done a dirty deal and that must be why they forced the girls to become a Victim of blackmail .
Watch the Video ABS released on the 11th of October the same day they leaked the CUCUMBER VIDEO,. Why cut short the reign of a beauty queen inside an Office ,when she was crowned in the public and why recording the return and use DATE STAMP on it ?

She returned the Car and crown, so the car will be used for another victim.
Maybe because they want to wash hands off the beauty queen before offering her as sacrifice .

Maybe they realise that the hate campaign will boomerang on the Government who gave her the crown that made her ambassador of the state ,so they forced her on VIDEO to return everything and made sure that they recorded the scene and leak same a day before the leak the SEX TAPE which they cannot feign ignorance of the recording .

Watch the defence of ABS and see how wicked they plotted the downfall of the young girl and now they have slated another trap for another Girl who they will also put under spell, then video her again for another black mail if she refused to succumb to perpetual BANGING.

They have set another date for another pageant, another scam and another scandal.
onye obuna si kwo oburu nwa nne ya Nwanyi .

The Securities should look at the Video and decide where it was shot ,who and who where behind the Camera . There was a good Lighting in the Room meaning that STUDIO LIGHT were used to laminate the place .The Camera used is not PHONE or CAMCODER ,the recording must have been done with High powered HAND HELD DIGITAL DEVICE that can only be obtained at TELEVISION or professional Video Coverage .

How did it end up in the room where the so called CUCUMBER SEX where held ?

Why did they ask the Girl [Beauty Queen ] to get out from AWKA or she is a Finished girl ? why did it take the alarm from her friends to force the VAMPIRES in ABS to release the black mailing VIDEO shot under duress ?

Why is the state protecting this group of heartless beings ?

Why are they using ABS as protection and industry for SE-X SLAVES ?

What is the qualification of UCHE NWORAH to be the Boss at ABS ? WHEN that position flows through the rank ,,meaning that the MD falls on the most senior and not some POLITICAL APPOINTEE .
Have we all wondered why ABS has EMEKA OZUMBA who is a serving SSA to GOVERNOR OBIANO on the day they rushed Chidinma to handover the Crown ,even though in everything pageant out going Queen will always crown the New one and that is the official handover and they do not hand over CAR ,but why did CHIDINMA handed over everything ?

Did EMEKA OZUMBA stand in for the Governor or he was there to make sure that the charade was a success ?

If the Governor surrogate was at the emergency handover ,how can we say with assurance that none of them where behind the Camera when they KIDNAPPED AND Ran THIS GIRLS in a fashion that made the Girls to appear as Lesbians ?

What the Ladies of influence in the state should do and every other person at that is not to blame this Victimized GIRLS but to take them to Deliverance ,for them to be delivered from the Evil manipulations they used to sear away the real mind of this Girls ,what they need is rallying behind them to exorcise them of the Satanic lust this set of Devils agent planted in them in course of time .

This Girls are not doing all this with clear eyes and until a deliverance is conducted .

I read some of the Micro idiots said that the Girl was paid 1 million to make the Film by a Millionaire ,meaning that they know who made the Video and the Millionaire ,so what stops the Security from asking them to provide the Millionaire and the second question is ,IF it was a Millionaire that paid for the Video to be made ,why then did he release it ,sorry made ABS to release it ?

The Video came in two segments meaning that it was edited and the Voices behind the Camera removed ,so it was edited in TELEVISION STUDIO and who has such reach ? having in mind that the organizer of the pageant has released a Video , 1 day after which made it appears as if Chidimma has returned her Crown ,then they release the BLACKMAILING VIDEO .

Can the Government say with finality that they had no hand in that ,and that SSA OZUMBA went there on his own accord ?




Anya kam ji !!!

Part 2

A trip to Chidinma Okeke’s wall revealed the attached update again I was mentioned on another post shared by Chakirikpo C Chakirikpo by Sam Odachi, appreciating my position on this cucumber saga.

As you may now begin to know.


Given to you in a meeting of beauty queens held for an incoming beauty pageantry.
Under its influence….

You are made to perform a lesbian or straight sexual act.
When you are normal again….

The video is shown to you and you are asked to follow instructions from thenceforth or else they will leak the video. You become a slave. No one knows about this, except the circle of very influential ladies and men. You are called at any time, even from your studies if you are in school.

You are called at any time to satisfy anybody…..
You are given some percentage of the proceeds you are making for the circle. And you may be crowned a beauty queen in a carefully orchestrated pageantry, if you do well in “satisfying” people. If you are in any trouble involving police or anyone for that matter, the influential circle takes care of the problem expertly.

Then, you are made rich. You become very rich and get used to the sexual orgies. You become a senior member of the circle and you recruit other beautiful girls. The day you quarrel with the circle, your sex tapes will go out to the public.

This is part of a dangerous information someone told me just now. I am still shaking. I know it is even dangerous posting it here. But how can we end the scourge if we don’t open the cloaca of the hen? Is this what is going on in our society? The rot is really bad.

I won’t give up. I won’t give up.”____ Sam Odachi.
Can of worms


  1. Look at fools trying to kill the story with all sorts of stories who know what next might comes out after this trying to change the headline news rubbish she is the one in the video period don’t tell us she was kidnap by who Boko haram or cavemen yeye

    • Kell opara jus av d fear of God. Wat if dis is ur sister? Dey forced her to wat she did not 4rm her heart. Wen I watch d video it’s a man behind d camera. Yes. But whatever we do in life jus remember we all die 1 day.

    • @Nick, im nt here 2judge, but I equally watched d videos, d 1sst video clearly showed a females hand and fingers fixed and polished trying 2openly adjust d oda gals leg. Could dat b a man’s fingers?

    • @nick my parent did give birth to homo and lesbians go back and watch the video again three girls in that rooms the other was holding the camera and her fingers was captured and speaking about GOD maybe u should read JUDE 1:7 even GOD himself hate this act so what is ur point here she is a disgrace to the entire Igbo land I swear!!if this in my community she and her family will bee driven out of the society for sure!!

    • Nickyross Emmanuel. The person holding the camera is a girl. Abi man don dey paint finger nails. Go look at the video properly. Besides the sounds she was making doesn’t prove she was afraid. She was moaning

    • @blessing I’m not the wicked soul here she did that in private and enjoyed it and the video got leaked and went viral on media so I’m the bad guy now? Listen igbo’s don’t take this act lightly she is an Igbo sister to me but the ideal thing with someone caught in the act will be cast out of the community if u are an Igbo girl u should know better so pls say the fact here I can imagine her fame for shame but she should have thought about filming this at the first place so pls blessing why u dey drink panadol for another person Mattar abi you and miss cucumber some how relate?

    • #idoko I’m not mean I just wonder why some people no fit cane their lane and face wetin face them abeg oh make our head dey our neck jare abeg who get nokia pin mouth charger jare?

    • Take a gud look at d video very well, d chidmma of a Gurl looks sad n victimized. Her facial expression do not look like someone who is about to have fun. U must not condem cus every one is condemning.

    • @favour I don’t wish to be there in such act becos is not normal for god sakes u guys need to see the other video where she ate pussy so pls cut the bullshit and hit the point

    • Am nt judging dz gal seriously.. BT u guys needs to STP saying DAT she was forced..I watched d video nd she was moaning DAT means DAT she was enjoying it..BT one tin z DAT she needs to be Strong.. Cos any tin DAT has no solution in dz lyf z death xo baby gal be strong..

    • Hmmm #not judging…….. Read the article again it seems she was hypnotized before the video was shot……….. Ain’t nobody got time for that…… But guess what Jesus knows it all…… But if at all the article is true then………… This country don kpai be that………. Enslaving future souls…… Inflicting pain……’s really sympathetic…..We should praying that God should deliver us from the wrong hands…… And direct our path and equally pray for the enslaved ones instead of arguing blindly………..

    • I’m just too Homophobia don’t blame me the first video really shows she wasn’t drugged becos she acted like a pillow queen and both were acting like baby dyke lesbians and the other lesbian was a A stone butch lesbian

    • Kells Opara d way you are analysing d act na waoooo,are u a lele?whatever that has happened has happened most people here that are condemning her are not better either, so even as christ forgave us we should do d same,and giv her hope for a better tomorrow.#okbye

    • I’m not saying na me holy pass or na me go church pass I’m just too homophobia Mary magdalene in the bible was a hawker not a lesbian and she was forgiven even GOD himself made man and woman to unite together not woman to woman or man to man so pls I love this girl but the act is what I don’t love aiit #cassandra

    • Kell opara are you now GOD? …….its so obvious that you are trashn d gal…..its not asif am a lesbian buh at least we all are human beings nd we aint perpect,we all av a skeleton in our cupboard its just dat she was so unlucky dat d tape leaked……am also not buyn d fake news dat d are selling abt ha being forced…….buh even if she is a lesbian, its between her and her GOD on the judgment day so honestly i would advice u stop making NOISE coz am so vewi sure dat u aint beta dan her

    • Lolz..,,and y do i get dis strong feeling dat ya ex dumped u coz she a lesbian….biko if dats d problem…i suggest u go nd trash on ya ex nd not on dis gal coz SHE IS NAHT RESPONSIBLE FOR YA MISREBLE LOVE LIFE with due respect sir

    • #julia chima straight outta of imo state I’m sorry are u trying to figure out if I’m into a serious relationship? oops sorry sister I’m taken and pls u know nothing about my love story so I suggest you zip it sorry if that cut you deep lol speaking about if I’m okay sister check and balance me well I hold my side tight gidigba!!! Nothing do me but I’m just too homophobia so pls don’t speak behind close doors and if u need a hook up in relationship my grandfather is searching I could be of help lol

    • Hey biko do u mean dat u are HOMOPHOBIC?Lmao it seems u just learnt the word HOMOPHOBIA coz u are really abusing it in dis context… talkn about ya grandfada…wid due respect to the old man but please do u really nid to bring him into this? Nawa oh tot u are kinda more matured dan mr TAKEN you just proved to me that u are a low-life-idiot-posing-to-be-ok…..all the same i pity the suppossed girlfriend of urs cos the way u act on dis platform and how u rant and react to every comment depicts that u aint close to being a man….speaking of check and balancing #lols its obvious u are nothing to write home about#dnt mean to be rude just stating FACTS and abeg stop addressing me as a sister cos we aint close to being friends abi u dnt recognize ur family members again????

    • #julia Wow I smell a bug I tot you were reasonable enough to know the differences between a faggot or a homophobic or homophobia okay listen blabber mouth let me take u into the lexicon bitch oops sorry that’s too big for you cos I know u are dumb arss bitch I mean dictionary

      What is homophobia
      Answer ho·mo·pho·bi·a
      1. Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
      2. Behavior based on such a feeling.

      dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people

      Homophobia is the hatred or fear of homosexuals – that is, lesbians and gay men

      What is homophobic
      A person who is scared of homosexuals. They usually try to justify their bad behavior with half-assed arguments about nature, AIDS, and God. they are mentally lazy

      so there’s a difference between being scare of something and totally hating something if you are a student I can clearly see ur GNS must have been nothing close to fair enough do urself a favor bitch until u change ur thinking u will always recycle your bullshit so if u looking for someone to toy with step forward cos ain’t your type bitch so bitch open your CLOSED MIND and CLOSE ur open MOUTH. BITCH!!

  2. Clap for your self, you are the best kidnapper of the year. U use juju carry am together with her PA and her 3rd runner. Pass your bill to National Assembly / Ndi Igbo for reconcilement on or before December 31st 2016 otherwise her fans will claim damages. Kidnapper/Actor.

  3. Start a new life girl,even if you are saying the truth,haters won’t allow you rest and many will still slander you (girls) as if they have a charm that could save them from kidnappers and drug… Oh girl it’s your fate, just move on ….. Justice will be done
    And if it’s a lie,abeg! You dey On YoUr oWn!

  4. Hmmmmm story, why should you open your legs for them to win the crown in the first place,well this is the end result of desperation,at your age you have the mind to go through sex for crown,its your cross and I pray you will overcome and learn from it,can’t imagine what your mum will be passing through,hope she survives this

  5. i said it ,from the video i watched the girls didnt look happy…and who was the lady giving them directions?my third observation she looked scared…this young lady,should have consulted a lawyer before releasing her statments on social media, now she is telling the truth ,people might not believe her…

  6. Different stories flocking in from every corners. If she knew how destructive that was gonna b to her career, personality n family. She would have chosen to b killed by d so- called kidnappers instead of indulging in lesbian act to save her from d kidnappers. (Cus i cud feel her agony now, d heat shes in now. As worse as if she had died.) Atleast dat would have bn better, she would b a hero cus she died upholding what’s right. And right shut up with dis cock n bull kidnap story. LIARSSSSSSSSSS

    • It’s u I hope don’t find ursef in it. Come here to talk shit tooo@Cynthia. Dats how u keep indulging in evil n immoral acts n then come up with some lies to cover up. If u gat nothing to say, #go read ut books

    • U v a point.. really feel 4d chidinma girl.. I’m sure she’s goin 2ru a lot rytnw… but if she must b saved she shld say d truth and 4get abt everytin else.. D worst has alrdy happened, her nakedness and act has bn published too… she shld either keep quiet (donot respond @all) or say d truth. “Say d truth, and d truth will set u free” some how, I feel d organizers of d #MissAnambraPageant are aware of d video even b4 d expulsion, but I dnt think Miss chidinma Okeke was forced @dt moment. When I watched d video of her returning d crown I suspected somtin fishy goin on, cos 1; crowns are nt returned in dat manner. D initial queen is supposed 2crown d present queen on d day of d show. Instead d decrowning was done in an office wd jst fews persons, as it was videod… I pity 4 Miss chidinma cox ds scandal wil definitely affect her psychologically and physically, she needs God’s intervention but she’s still 2b blamed… ure goin in2 somtin and u knw it’s nt genuine won’t u stop? Ok, u’v gottn so far and u later discovered it’s dangerous won’t u let it go? Ure doin somtin bad dt u n I knw ts bad why must u allow it 2b videod? Dey are giving u drugs u knw it would b harmful 2u, do u nt v d right 2say u won’t take? I’m nt judging I’m just pointing out corrections, we all shld learn 4rm.. I beliv if she says she’s being blackmailed, mayb she got fed up and was tired of their suppression and dey decide 2 punish her.. my prayers 4her is 2 b strong, d storm wil b over.. but I hope she’s learnt 4rm her mistakes and I hope me, and all of us v equally learnt 4rm miss chidinma’s mistakes… #WeAreAllSinners #PrayForHer

    • When you are drugged, it could be laced in a drink. There are drugs called aphrodisiacs. A little exposure will help Nigerians. I had always suspected that tape was a blackmail. How can two lesbians video using a fruit as a dildo? It sounds like not just a normal sexual orgy? Why would they video such if they are not porn stars in a country as homophobic as Nigeria? Abeg, the oyibos will always ask: what is the motive?

  7. Ladies i take exception to the fact that you condemn your fellow lady this way. Many of us has done way worst Than her just cos it wasnt recorded dos not mean we are all innocent. Give her a break no matter what no one will want her image to be tarnished that way.

  8. I believe she was kidnap cus from d video they wer acting like they were forced they wer just looking at one direction,lets figure dis if u are having good sex u would be smiling cus it’s enjoyable n it’s cm in from ur heart n av seen alot of videos Dt people do with pleasure they are happy doing it but look at dis girls they wer acting scared my dear pls let’s feel dis girl pain our comment may want to make her commit suicide I believe some of us av done worst it’s just Dt we are lucky it’s didn’t come to d open we are not perfect pls I stand for chidima

  9. Bikonu, free dis poor gal.
    Does it really means dat we dnt ve private life again?. Some ppipu re calling her sort of names just bcus of her…..lemme ask u, du u no how many Nigerians dat re lesbians,Even d so called actresses ?.
    I ve have 3 of dem in my laptop….they all Nigerian well paid actresses. Plz guys…do nt judge dis gal, so dat u ll nt b judged.

  10. Pageantry is a dirty game but I don’t think it was exposed by the organisers cos her tenure is almost over. I pity the girl. I wish this could make people to stop living gay lives. I was advising someone against it and he said it’s his life and that sex is sex. Who knows what her family will be telling her now. You shall get through it.

  11. Kidnapped or nappedkid it’s not my business pls , president Daugherty’s wedding is about to take place ,u guys advertised it only twice .but this very unnamed act it being advertised day after day , bring good news and ideas and forget this trash if u guys don’t have anything good to share again den keep reposting the Fatima buhari wedding, kitchen living room and others room is now a history , it enough

  12. Though d CUCUMBER Association has not release their press statement concerning dis matter, these defence are useless, she should apologize to d general public, all these are afterthought, if she was kidnapped & forced in2 d act, which security agency or agencies did she report d matter?

    • @Oluchi Iyke Savia, don’t tell me to allow God do His thing, is it God that is coming to arrest her? She’s even lucky to still walk freely, she should have been arrested & possibly appear in court or remanded in prison, why did she released dat false statement when she knew she was actually d one in dat video?

  13. Different stories. Which one are we to believe? I thought Chidinma claimed at first that she wasn’t the one? Why is she now bringing up stories? She was kidnapped and forced to act Lesbianism ? As a baby or what? Was she also forced to wear the crown? No doubts that tickets are given to them to sell.. but if she’s innocent as you claimed, she wouldn’t have gone into it. I have about 4 friends that turned down the offer of being miss this miss that because they know what is involved. Chidinma should just shut up,mend her ways… At what age was she forced to act Lesbianism? At 12 or 13? Nigerians should grow up and stop all these childish stories.

  14. I am not a bi sexual and I am not in support of that,but don’t think that a normal person will allow someone to video her in such act,I think she was setup,The question remains who is that person recording them?

  15. I wish a lot of girls will just be themselves and keep it low profile.. work hard with ur intellectuals and strength. . Exhibit good attitude. . Make ur money and enjoy it with ur loved ones on a low key.. it saves a lot of stress and scandal.. hustle in silence, let ur success announce you.. forget that SLAYING word

  16. seriously most ppl r so ignorant of current happenings in our 2days society’ u r doubting right ,u al doubters ned 2 wake up 4rm ur dogmatic sleep,2 b popular or 2 win smtin nowadays v much things involvd,they v used this girl like their dog n now she is crying jst 4 other young girls 2 b helped n u r here ranting, oya go n context 2 se weda u wil cm out wt ur head or get traped, she gav them her car n crown bc she is tired n want 2 help other young girls,pls lets think n speak out 4 al this nonsense 2 stop,God wil fight 4 u dear chidinma, in end time al manner of things wl b happenin, enough is enough politicians, God wil expose u al n scatter u wt hs anger,cos this is realy ugly.Hmmmm

    • dont get u, anyways put ur thought on d saying that’one mans food is another mans poison”right 4rm my university days i realised that prayers do wonders, i conquered those lecturers wt prayers,mind u 2 survive in ds world is nt easy,referin 2 Timothy.

  17. Bahahaha… Y’all just made me laugh today. If y’all had wanted to contain d spread of this super story, u wud talk less and less about it. Ur fabricated story is just making this whole nightmare a pandemic and even more controversial don’t y’all see.
    U wear a makeup don’t mean ur original looks is gone na haba…
    She didn’t look like who was forced to do nothing.

  18. And they keep fuelling the popularity of this issue. Using one lie to cover another and the story keeps getting messier and d victim more troubled. They should just keep mute jare. I feel beauty pageants should be cancelled, it’s of no importance like that sev. Just an avenue for sins to be committed

  19. Hate when human beings pretend like they have never sin(ed) before. Sin is sin because yours havent found its way to the open you feel you havent sin(ed) before and have the effontry to jugde others? This girl no matter what is going through a lot and needs our prayers, support so pass through this Difficult chapter in her life now. Instead of talking down at her we should pray and beg God to forgive her and see her through. No body is a saint. And we should leave judgement to God. God help us all

    • Its understandable and I am not judging her she had to do what she had to to be the miss whatever she was given… This simply business gone bad… What I hate now are the fluctuating lies… She knew what she was doing just that she didn’t Invision the consequences… People ain’t really judging her for the act majority of ladies have at some point done certain things for money even skool grades so that’s not the case here.. The issue is that she was stupid enough to allow the act to be recorded not even by her but a third party haba mana a third party probably even a fourth party on a device that is not your own … That makes her a big foool now that’s why everyone is gonna judge not cos of the act but been too stupid

    • Timothy Uzochukwu Obi the deed is already done on a second thought don’t you think she night be under some kind of influence to have allowed the act recorded.. A normal human being even an abnormal human being sef in her abnormal state wouldn’t allow such thing to be recorded knowing who she is and the implications. I strongly feel something was actually wrong it isn’t normal at all

    • We re not saints, but we re not stupid to allow camera into our rooms during the show. This wasn’t a secret recording, she knew what she was doing, perhaps was deceived that it would be deleted or perhaps deleted after it has already been transferred to another phone. We condemn here so others would learn.

  20. ☝I have read details about this. It is true she made a mistake, she told white lies to cover this up.
    But then, you guys should take this from a different prospective, she realised she had made a big mistake of her life, there is no turning back, she wished she never got into this, she began to wish she could have her old life back.
    Before they released the video, she wanted to quit the sexual slavery she sold herself into, she dropped the crown, gave them back the car in an attempt to free herself, but then they released her lesbian video, which was well planned and taken by her blackmailers before she was crowned just in case she decides to quit. Their plan worked out.
    As a human, she tried to frame that it was photoshopped, after she might have cried terribly in her privacy, then they struck the second video, now she has been totally dragged on the mud.

    There are girls who commit suicide when their sex tape gets leakes, but she hasn’t , she has given up everything, she knows she made a mistake and she doesn’t know what to do next, there seems to be no way forward.
    All competitors for the crown has this same backside for years, only that she wanted to step out and they refused. This is what the body in charge of awarding the crown do to every girl who wants it, they make all our girls sex slaves, with a weak point to blackmail them, you must either act a lesbian or sex video, the leader is in charge. EFCC are supposed to go for the leaders in charge of this and lock them up. The EFCC are supposed to do something to save other girls still in bondage and others that will be put in same bondage in the future.

    This is what should be done, not condemn her, she has already condemned herself, now she is in danger, her life is at stake you should condemn the people in charge of this and they should be brought to justice.

    • Thank you for your detailed analysis, those organizers of the so call competition are crooks, they enslaves these innocent young girls who are lured into the sexual act due to their ignorance or poverty. The bottom line is parents has a lot to do here. God bless you.

    • This is so awful! The business of beauty pageants is one that requires tight regulation. That business predisposes hapless girls to all manner of compromise. The Ben Bruce family will tell you what they have had to put in place to avoid scandal on their on own franchise (MBGN). Without a strong regime of regulation, all manner of charlatans will spring up, take advantage of desperate girls while making tons of money to boot. In watching the dastardly video, what occurred to me was who was in charge of the recording. This individual was obviously either a part of the duo or an authority figure supervising and even goading them on. My conclusion is that this is a premeditated act which the stupid girl had no control over. Is there any wonder why we fundamental christians are opposed to these pageants where all that is on offer is flesh and more flesh. All valuable stuff is covered up properly hence any event that encourages more fleshly exposure does not bode well for the society. Sin, when exposed, is odious to man. You can now understand why God condemns sin flatly because he sees ALL sin. Trump is struggling with the exposure of his deeds of the past. Only Jesus can save from the wicked clutches of sin because the wages of sin is death.

    • Pls guys don’t follow everything u read on a social platforms. She wasn’t forced if u look at it very well u will know. It was a female who recorded dat and d girl she acted dat with is not a stranger so forget being forced, she did dat for a crown and she got it but couldn’t keep it up dats y it all came out. She is not d first neither will she b d last. I ve met most of these girls the rate of which they become desperate and restless just for dat crown and d men knew it all they will just exploit them. It was never force its an act of will. U all should just wait more ar still coming, even more videos.

    • And besides am not condemning her she was unfortunate and dat is it. Many has done it and there is still more to do it. What goes on behind d seen of these shows is unthinkable dats y most of us left it. She should not think abt it, its done and dats it.

  21. Kells opara you are not better off….this is exactly what happens in the modelling industry…. It’s not easy for them…. You just have to sacrifice to get what you want…. She’s not just fortunate that’s all….assume she your sister you will judge her like this