
You see my annoyance knew no bounds following this dual display of arrant immaturity. Both combatants figuratively went after each other’s throats and in the process exposed themselves to ridicule, exposing their soft underbelly laced with a high sense of shallowness and bereft of any depth.

That one reported that the other just got a quit notice led to such fratricidal engagement only pushed me close to the edge of my seat as I mourned the loss of sensibility amongst our youths as displayed by these set of so called role models.

As I write, the mudslinging is still ongoing and my concern is really for the lady who has exposed her womanhood to such low levels of assault all because of the need to maintain a high profile career filled with slush. On the other hand, the boy singer only just showed me what I would not want my teenage son to grow up into.

The fact that he has been lucky to churn out some funny cacophony of what he and his cohorts call songs to an unsuspecting population used to such ‘rubbish’ thereby making some money now puts him on a pedestal that he feels he has attained some level of immortality.

Well, this is the disgrace the society has degenerated into. An abusive one where nothing is sacred not even the core of womanhood but what do you expect when our leaders call themselves unprintable names during scuffles displayed in the public space.

Why won’t our little ones copy the Ogas and start describing how their private parts smell and all what not. Rubbish.

– Culled.


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