Empress Judas, @judasthebeadmaker who claims to be the president of the Ashewo association admonishes intending marital couples to invest largely in their wedding expenses.

Relating to the recent wedding party she went to, Empress laments the poor dish she was served, unlike former times when food was often surplus and in abundance.

It is assumed to be the status quo now, judging comments from netizens that Nigerian wedding hosts no longer spend heavily on catering services, and the meals served are often subpar.

Judas surmises that if hosts are financially incapable of feeding their guests well, they should not bother to hold one. Instead of guests eating bones for meat and badly colored rice for Jollof and fried rice, the couple should go lowkey or cancel throwing a party.

Read some of the comments:

joyciaraokaeme: Na so dem gimme big bone with a touch of meat 😂 my teeth nearly comot

_05.02.199: Help me tell them oo. We no dey see better food chop again for wedding 😢

pedanwokoma: But how una dey comot go occasion without eating? I fit swallow Eba from my house go occasion in case food no reach me so I no go dey bone face throughout 😂😂

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