Popular American-based Nigerian actor Seun Sean Jimoh has shared via his Instagram page that there’s no reason why food should be scarce in Nigeria.

The actor who has been speaking about the country’s economy for some time now, advises the government to declare a state of emergency on food production.

According to the actor, the only time food should be scarce is when the country is at war or there is no land suitable for growing agricultural crops.

He wrote;

“Dear Nigerian government, it’s time to declare a state of emergency on food production! The only time there should be famine in the land is if war or if there is no arable land!! There is no reason why food should be scarce in Nigeria Revive CRIN ( cocoa research institute ) what’s the point of UNAAB ( university of Agriculture Abeokuta ) declare a state of emergency on food production and insecurity now? Make it a priority to feed the people! Create incentives for any group or institution that takes farming and food production seriously, expand the agricultural curriculum in places of tertiary learning and revert back to making Nigeria an agricultural nation !!! These things are priorities !!!!!”

While the majority appear to agree with the actor, others appreciated him for speaking out hoping the government would address the dire issue.

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