WhiteMoney and Pere finally had a faceoff in the middle of the night.

It all started with a game they were playing, and a question was thrown at WhiteMoney that reads, “Who do you think has had sex in the house?” and WhiteMoney mentioned angel!

And then Pere who wanted to know WhiteMoney’s answer charged towards WhiteMoney calmly while adjusting his belt.

..And then the housemates were convinced Pere’s countenance was to beat up White Money! They accused Pere of trying to bully WM and as well provoke him.

This quickly got WhiteMoney angry and he flared up.

Maria, the head of house then challenged Pere for trying to bully WM, and asked him to apologize to White, but refused.

Pere in reaction to WhiteMoney’s outburst then said: “He is probably mad that I removed him from the kitchen and that’s his business”

Watch the FULL video of the incident below:


  1. I can see pride and bossy like attitude in Pere. He feels threatened by WM who apoarzntly gains more popularity than him

  2. Daddy Pere weldon, you want to flog your son, Biggie do you think that guy is normal? Ordinary HOH and he’s acting this way. Lazy youth!

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