Wana Udobang announces

Media personality, Wana Udobang has taken to social media to announce the death of her father who was absent from her life for 27 years.

Wana Udobang announces

According to Udobang, she doesn’t feel sad about his death and the only thing she feels is relief and closure because she had already grieved him in the 27 years he was absent from her life.

The poet, who seemingly had a dysfunctional relationship with her late father, revealed that she is relieved because a “dark chapter” in her life has ended.

Taking to Twitter, Udobang wrote,

“My father died last week and for some reason I feel absolutely nothing. No sadness, no loss, no grief. What I feel though is relief and closure. I realise I already grieved his 27 year absence from our lives.
I don’t feel any sadness because I realised I have grieved through absence and through my work. I feel relief because a very dark chapter feels like it has come to an end.”

See below.

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