Kim Kardashian In Style1

Heavily pregnant celebrity, Kim Kardashian who has been straight forward about her second pregnancy experience has revealed that she may have to get a hysterectomy (have her uterus removed) after she gives birth to her second child come December.

In her latest blog post titled High-Risk Pregnancy, she says:

READ ALSO: Doctors Warn Kim Kardashian About Her Pregnancy Weight.

“With the issues I had last time, my risk of having preclampsia and placenta acreeta are increased and there’s not a whole lot I can do to prevent it, so my anxiety is a little high leading up to my delivery.

In a very rare case, I might need a hysterectomy after delivery if my condition is severe enough, but luckily my doctor doesn’t think this will happen.

So as time goes on, I am stressing out less and trying to go with the flow. We induced my labor and I had North soon after. Right after delivery, the placenta usually then comes out. Mine did not. My placenta stayed attached inside my uterus, which is a condition called placenta accreta…”

My doctor had to stick his entire arm in me and detach the placenta with his hand, scraping it away from my uterus with his fingernails. How disgusting and painful!”

“My advice to anyone going through this or anything difficult during pregnancy is that all you can do is be hopeful, get the best information out there and just be prepared. The more information you have, the better you know how to handle it!”


  1. What if u remove ur ulters and de one u think u will have die what will u do,infact remove it u dnt need to explain

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