A Nigerian man identified as @Darligton Ibekwe (DCI) has caused a stir online after he questioned men about what they bring to the table apart from money.

In the video he shared on TikTok, he criticized men for querying ladies about what they bring to the table, when the only thing they offer is money.

Sharing the video, he attached a caption that read; “leave women for a moment, what do men bring to the table.”

According to him, a lady should not be the only one bringing things to the table in a relationship, men should too.

The term “What do you bring to the table” has been trending for quite sometime now, with different individuals airing their opinions about it.

In a nutshell, he said;

“If sex is the only thing a woman can bring to the table, leave her abandon her, yen yen yen yen yen yen. You as a man what are you bringing to the table, what are you bringing to the table? (Igbo) asides the money you have or you claim to have what else do you bring to the table? Can you do your children’s assignments you as a man? As a man can you cook? What do you bring to the table? Emeka, As a man what are you bringing to the table? Local dog (Igbo).”

The comment section underneath the post was flooded with comments, while majority of them were from women who thanked him for speaking on their behalf.

Watch the video below,

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