A Nigerian man took to his social media page to share the rather interesting way his girlfriend usually react when he’s about to go to work.

He made a video capturing a moment he was on his way to work and how his girlfriend reacted – as can be seen in the video, the lady wasn’t necessarily happy that he had to leave for work and wore a sad and displeased face.

Trying to console her, he then calls her to his side and tells her “sorry, I have to go to work” before she sniffs as though she was crying. The video has been trailed with so much reaction with a number of netizens saying if she had work that she was doing then she wouldn’t be doing childish things like this.

Watch the video,

The reactions that most users had to the video centered around these two comments,

One user, evelyn____xx wrote, If to say she she’s working she won’t be doing mumu things like this

_motolani__; No be every girl go work some are destined to be just odogwu wife 😂

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