A Kenyan Clergyman – Rev. Vincent Mulwa of Christ Pilgrim Restoration Centre, Kenya, has come out to challenge the Christian doctrine that men should only marry one wife.

In an interview with Kenya’s The Daily Nation, Rev. Mulwa said Africans bought the world views of European missionaries who brought Christianity into Africa and abandoned polygamy, a practice that was rife even among the people who lived during biblical times.

Rev Mulwa said he wants Christian leaders to review teachings on monogamous marriages, claiming there is no verse in the Bible supporting it.

He says this is necessary to “save a generation of women who are ageing in church without husbands”.

Rev Mulwa added;

“I have been in the ministry for 38 years, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ but now I have realised that we ministers of the gospel have lost our believers,”

“I have never seen anywhere in the Bible where prophets and preachers prayed for single ladies to get married. The Bible people were polygamous and everyone had a husband,” he says, adding that widows were allowed to become concubines.

He says polygamy was commonly practised by many African traditional communities and the Jewish culture was also polygamous, adding that it only began to fade with the introduction of Christianity.

“As far as the Bible is concerned, the number of wives or concubines that one has does not matter and is not a standard of holiness. I have come out to tell Christians that we must preach the true gospel and allow our men in the church to marry as many wives as they want. Polygamy is not about men needing many wives but it’s about women needing husbands.”

According to the cleric, the Bible has only come out strongly to condemn adultery, which is taking another man’s wife.

The reverend argues that the fact that the missionaries, who mostly came from Rome, began to preach monogamy does not mean that this is what the Bible teaches.

“It is unfortunate for the Church that today, when our dear brothers and sisters attend theological schools, they are fed with so much gentile-tilted theology that upon graduation, they are well equipped to vigorously convince the world to buy into the Roman immigration of Christianity,”

He says Christianity is not an American or European culture. Rather, it is God’s way of reaching and dealing with humankind.

Rev Mulwa, who says he is officially married to one wife, says he was preaching in a church he started 20 years ago but had to leave the church because his wife and members disagreed with his polygamy teaching.

“I told my wife that as much as she doesn’t want to agree with me, I will continue preaching the gospel of polygamy until the whole world hears of it because that is the true gospel,” he says.

When asked if he has secret wives he responded:

“The number of wives I have is not an issue. If I have one wife or more, I will not be holier than the other. That’s why I am saying Christian men should be allowed to marry many wives.”

His interpretation of the Bible is that it has not condemned polygamy. Rather, it was practised widely by men of God in the Bible.

“Polygamy is an acceptable practice. No lady should stay without a husband. Christianity remains the most holy faith, but when preached from the perspective of the European and American gentiles, then it is definitely the filthiest religion on earth.”

He gives the example of some of the men in the Bible like Abraham and David who married more than one wife and had concubines with whom they got children.

“The holiness was in how these men dealt with their many wives and concubines and God had no problem with them,” he says.

The reverend says it is wrong to imagine that God would have created two wives for Adam as “God created them so that they may fill the world”

He noted that in the Bible, some women seemed to have been in a complex situation such that remarrying was out of thought. They ended up being concubines.

But even for concubines, there was discipline, he says, and a man found with another man’s concubine was to be beaten.

“This was a lesser punishment compared to when you were found with someone’s wife where the sentence was death by stoning,” he adds.

Source: nation.co.ke


  1. I think the rev has a point. But a Bishop and deacon must be husband of one wife according to apostle Paul to Timothy. (1timothy3:2-12)Now what happens to Christian men who are neither bishops or deacons? And have no interest in it?
    What do we do with massive number of Christian sisters in church not married who are easily swayed by a polygamous unbeliever? Who not only marries them but impose conversion on them…?
    The church needs to sit up and address this and not dismiss it with some cultural/traditional dogmas.
    I surmise; one wife will not take a man to heaven… JESUS alone will.moreso two wives is not equal to hell. Lack of Jesus equals hell. A polygamist follower of Jesus will be in heaven, no doubt. Lets think!

  2. I completely agree with this, can someone point out for in the Bible where it was written that it must be one man to one wife, do you mean Muslims and other non Christians will not make heaven because of their wife’s which they married legally

  3. God bless this Reverend! He’s a man of truth! I wish many christian clergy will be as bold as he is. The church is interested in doctrine than in reality. Which is better, polygamy or prostitution, baby mama, nudity, abortions,money ritual etc?

  4. God accepted polygamy in the bible but not nudity, abortion, baby mama, prositution etc. The church should rethink or insist on doctrines and send many men and women to hell!

  5. How can u describe the issue of Sarah, Abraham’s wife when she advice him to marry their housemaid in order to have offsprings for them. And at the end God cursed the child and his generation which we are battling with it today. Was it Bcose, Abraham’s wife was inpatient or how?

  6. Truly it is not stated in d Bible that men should not married more than one.but we have to b careful abt this I think I need more prove n debate among Bible scholars to justify this.

  7. Apostate is the act of condemning what u once believed and known to be the truth,not because u have become wise,rather it’s as a result of one going back to it vomit and backslide. Its no longer news the there at going to be perverse preacher, preaching nothing but the doctrine of devils. Marriage was instituted by God in the garden of eden And it was and is between two adults:a man and a woman(Genesis 2:18,21-24).from here,God uses singular throughout, wife and not wives, man and not men. Be warned. Also in 1Corinthians7:1) James1:12-27).

  8. I commend the pastor for saying the truth despite biter. No place in d Holy Bible that says any person with more than one wife is a sinner as it is widely preaching today by many men of God

  9. I love this pastor. He spoke the truth. If there is a man who has had sex with only his wife on earth like Adam then the pastor is wrong. Most men have sex with a lot of women before chosing one to marry after which they have at least one sexual relationship outside marriage. The church need to address this menace.

  10. Remember the statement of Jesus christ “In the begin it was not so”. Let tink deeply on that word of Jesus and also remember in the beginning he made them male and female.Solomon after all he acquired he call them vanity upon vanity all is vanity.let be careful wit the messages we hearing no matter the title of d preacher. Paul said study thyself approved meaning everyone shuld study d bible by himself or herself then ask the holy spirit to interpret the scripture to him or her.let not do wat men approve to be right BT what God said. Abraham never enquiries frm God only did wat his wife ask her to do. There’s God permissive will and God’s will. God permit such polygamy does nt mean that’s his will for man.

  11. Many prefer adultery and fornication to polygamy. If every man marry one wife, the rest of ladies that remain what will they be doing? And God hates adultery. What should the remaining ladies do or are they destined not to marry?

  12. Matthew 19:4-6 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,
    And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
    Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

    The Bible is clear: marriage is between a man and a woman not and never will it be women.the issue of sisters getting old and not being married is not any reason at all to claim that men can marry or should marry more than one wife.

  13. With your new found teaching you never quoted a scripture where God directed His children to marry more than one wife. Do not forget that certain things you may interpret to suggest polygamy was man’s deviant attitude and choice against God’s original plan. Man of God don’t get it twisted that Apostle Paul encouraged new believers who had more than one wife to retain them if they believe in Christ did not mean you will begin a crusade to encourage Christians to marry more than one wife. That is not God’s will and that will provide fuel for the devil to work full time. For this course a MAN shall leave his parents and cleave to his WIFE and one not with wives. Man of God retrace your steps from this teaching now to avoid further damages it has caused and will cause to the body of Christ.

  14. The real truth is coming out! And more will come out,many are been fooled by the so-called christian leaders,in the Bible, one is the old testament and the other is the new testament, and in the old testament are people like Solomon,Abraham,David,etc,with more than a wife ,so why are we complicating things? It is nothing but selfish life to say a woman can’t marry a married man when in actual fact it is possible if she can be taken care of. So I support the Kenyan pastor

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