
After winner of the 2016 US Elections was announced and of course facing severe backlash from Nigerians on Social media after he wrongly predicted the winner of US Elections, Prophet TB Joshua has taken down the post this morning and replaced it with a dot “.”.

TB Joshua had taken to Facebook two days ago saying he saw a ‘Woman’ (Hillary Clinton) as The United States next President. But in a shocking twist of events, Donald Trump has been announced winner of the US Presidential Elections.

The post was taken down after announcement was made.

Before Taking down the post:




Right now, he has deleted the post completely.


  1. Lol..when I said, God shown me trump as the president. Some peeps are criticizing and insulting me? God shown Tb joshua Clinton the president, while he never shown him, where the chibok girls are hiding? God shown clinton as the president, while he never shown, him the way forward out of this recession and hunger. SHAME! UNTO HIM..oh ye prophet of doom!..CONGRAT! The united state of america..Donald Trump.

  2. Pls TB josh……did not prophecy this one he just simply did logic. …I mean predictions. ……by checking the amount spent in campaigning by each individual but he got it all wrong

  3. My concern here is,wat business does dis pastors really have wit political issues, if u re for GOD den b for GOD only,take dat ur leisure time to preaching more abt probably dah lords coming nd u also make sure u get result in gud return by seeing ur followers getting repent of their sins, instead of guessing blindly abt sum predictions GOD didn’t reveal to u.

  4. i did saw that on nigeriaanbuzz.com for many that saw it,i told #tb he was not giving a porphecy but rather predicting the winner of the election from the third day anaysis of the election which #clinton was leading and that,s what he has been doing right from time @#predicting.some times after an event his #tv station will go preaching that he has foretold that was how it was going to be but i tell you its all lies flash back when #yar adua died have you forgetten about #mandela but never saw his church fallen,if its was another person,s church after the incident you would have seen his tv showing how he was prophecying that the church will fall.thank God it happened like i hoped for him that #H.clinton should loss to put him to shame thank God it happened,,#orteselord

  5. Donald trump wins and everyone returns to their root I can’t wait to see Lil Wayne in Warri, Rick Ross in ASABA
    50cent in OGUN
    Akon in Senegal
    Wale in OYO
    Jay z in Anambra
    Snoop Doggy in Kano.

  6. Lol this silly man I’ve always said it that he’s a fake.He has been predicting football matches for a while and decided to try his luck to predict US elections claiming it was the Holy Ghost that told him Hillary Clinton will win.Ive always said it people like you have no business preaching you should be a nairabet specialist.Rubbish #yeyedeysmell

  7. When a chinese Monkey predicted Trump win while our own Fake pastor saw a Woman in the White House. is it not Funny? A monkey dfeating the so called anointed Man of God? This should an end time sign.

  8. A carnal man speaks and people without sense believe. All this people are fake moda fuckers. Who has seen a spirit, ghost talk of holy, or who has seen God face to face, by the way who made him man of God? Was he born after God? This is nonsence, is better to be an idol worshiper than to believe in this moda fuckers. Is the same white people that wrote the bible to decieve we blacks, make us to believe in a hell shit, still turns around and care about our idols , they make use of it while people are being brain washed in Africa about Jesus and holy spirit. Mehn you guys are totally blind

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