A YBL reader has sent to us, snapshot of what a Church demanded from His friend, before they can host his friend’s wedding.

The church has been identified as True Vine Power House Ministry Inc., and it’s located in Warri.

See their Marriage List below.

1. Officiating Minister – 8,000
2. Host Pastor – 10,000
3. Instrumentalists – 6,000
4. Couples fee – 15,000.
5. Marriage certificate – 10,000
6. Fuel – 5,000
7. Lateness to Church – 5,000
8. Ministers’ food: 10 food flask with one small Five Alive and one Maltina each.
9. Host Pastor’ food: 2 food flask, 2 Eva water, 2 big Five Alive and 2 can Maltina each
10. Food for church workers: 50 takeaways or one cooler of rice. 2 1/2 crate of can Maltina.
11. Suits for Host Pastor and wife.
12. All couples should be in church by 9:00am
13. All wedding program must be in church one week before the wedding.
14. Couples must attend marriage class for two weeks before the wedding.
15. Couples to see Host Pastor for their thanksgiving.
16. Couples thanksgiving should not be more than one week after their wedding.

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