Popular video director Unlimited L.A, has stirred up a heated debate by shaming men who exclusively drive automatic cars.

In a provocative statement, he suggested that a man who cannot drive a manual car is somehow lesser, going as far as equating such a man to being a “lesbian”.



His remarks, shared on social media platform X, have created discussions among netizens, raising questions about gender stereotypes and driving skills.

The video director’s comment has sparked mixed reactions online, with many expressing disagreement and criticizing his tweet.

While some find his tweet as a lighthearted joke and find it funny, others argue that such statements are un  and and come across as unintelligent.

Driving a manual car, also known as driving stick-shift, requires a different set of skills compared to operating an automatic vehicle.

However, the ability to drive a manual car should not be used as a measure of one’s masculinity or worth.

The debate has highlighted the need to challenge societal expectations surrounding masculinity.

As the discussion continues to trend online, it serves as an opportunity to promote inclusivity and stop such statements

While the video director’s tweet has generated controversy, it as also provide a platform for dialogue and the need to recognize that skills and interests are not limited by gender.

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