A white guy has taken to Twitter to drag through the mud, the Nigerian healthcare system as he contrasts an animal receiving health treatment in the U.S to a woman receiving hers in Lagos.

According to @africafeed, a dog gets better treatment in Nigeria than a woman does in Lagos – sharing a photo of a dog with lymphoma, strapped up and pulled into a linear accelerator, Sean Murphy, mocks the Nigerian healthcare system by saying it’s a shame that the dog gets better aid than a woman with a tumor does in Lagos.

White Guy Lambastes Nigerian Healthcare

His words:

‘So a dog with lymphoma in Miami has a better chance of getting treatment than a woman with a brain tumor in Lagos. Shame’

White Guy Lambastes Nigerian Healthcare

He further tweeted a stats that Nigeria has 18 linear accelerators, but 11 are broken, while U.S has 2,500, +65 more just for animals.

See some Nigerians reaction below:


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