girl chatting

4. Pay attention to the conversation.

Who doesn’t love being paid attention to? Pay attention to the conversation. Avoid the embarrassment of asking the same question over again just because you weren’t paying attention. Plus, don’t dominate the conversation.

5. Don’t be a pest:

You got yourself in, don’t kick yourself out as fast. Let her be for a while. You have a life, live it. Even though you want to talk to her all the time, be careful not to be the guy who give her no space. If you are online all the time, she may think you’re a loser without a life or job sitting on his couch all day, eating junk and sharing your roommate’s WIFI.

6. Have a sense of humour.

Being able to make a lady laugh even over the internet is a plus for you. So whip up your comic side and score.However if she is not feeling your dry jokes then quit it. The most important thing is to be yourself.

7. Avoid grammatical errors.

Reading bad grammar is like biting on a bad nut. Pay more attention to detail. Read through your replies before you hit send. However, this may not work for all because some guys may not know that they are dropping grammatical bombs.

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