
I may not have been a fan of boxing, and I surely wouldn’t have thought i will write a piece about something related, well, yeah i am not, however, I am putting this down in honor of a true legend, Muhammad Ali, the man that taught me resilience.

Watching from the screen in our sitting room, i would often see a man who got knocked down repeatedly, yet he never gave up.

At a very young age, i realized it was not just over, being on the ground. Before i learned from Ali, I would always thing it’s best for a man knocked down to stay on the ground, but now, I realized even the ground is not enough to stop a motivated man, this was my first life’s lesson, from Ali.

In honor of him, I’ll be listing 5 things about Muhammad Ali you probably never knew about…

1. Ali Changed His Name More Than Once

According to his biographer, Davis Miller,

“The legend is known that when a young Kentucky-born Cassius Clay joined the Nation of Islam his name was immediately changed to the now iconic Muhammad Ali,” Miller says. “But few know that his first name change was to Cassius X.

“It was February 26, 1964 — the morning after he knocked out Sonny Liston. But nearly two weeks later, on March 6, he announced that religious and political leader Elijah Muhammad (who led the Nation of Islam from 1934 until his death in 1975) had given him the new name of Muhammad Ali.”

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