4. Flirt With A Smile

So now she gets the message and is responding with her wn glances but we need to be really sure that she’s interested so flash her a little smile at this stage.

It shouldn’t be a big grin, this will scare her. Just a smile that says “I like you” or “I’m feeling you”. If she returns your smile, it’s game time.


5. Head Over And Introduce Yourself

You’ve stated your interest and she looks interested too so keep your eye on her and head over. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for so don’t mess it up.

Don’t be jittery, don’t appear shy, walk with an upright posture and keep your shoulders firm. Once you near her, offer your hand and introduce yourself.

This is basically all you need to start talking to that stranger female you just met. If at any stage of these tips, she doesn’t reciprocate your gesture, you’ll have to abandone everything and look elsewhere.


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