Firm Breasts

It’s a normal 21st Century phenomenon for women to wear bras to help support their breasts and keep them from sagging so as to not lose their youthful pertness.

But a new study has revealed that bras actually cause the exact opposite.

A sports science researcher, Jean-Denis Rouillon worked with over 330 women aged between 18 and 35 for 15 years to come to the conclusion that women should ditch their bras and go free.

The subjects, who had varying breast sizes, were monitored for a decade and a half. During his study, Rouillon found that woman who went braless developed more muscle tissue and tone, meaning their bodies gave them natural support where it was needed.

Rouillon told France Info:

“Medically, physiologically, anatomically breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity. On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.”

Dr Stafford Broumand, a plastic surgeon at Mount Sinai Medical Centre added to Refinery29 :

“On the surface, this claim seems plausible. “For younger women, not wearing a bra will lead to increased collagen production and elasticity, which improves lift in a developing breast.”

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