

He used to be a woman. Born in Lagos Nigeria.

Now living in the US as Rizi Xavier Timane, a man.

In an interview with Ebony, he reflects on his journey to living his truth, and the burden that comes with doing it in a country (US) that doesn’t value ‘Black men’.

Here what he has to say;

I was born in Lagos, Nigeria, and I was assigned the female gender at birth. Both of these facts amounted to one thing: I had no power, no respect, and no privilege, nor would I have much of any of these throughout my life. Add in that I came from a less than wealthy family and was, for all intents and purposes, a lesbian, and I became a truly invisible human being; when I wasn’t being ridiculed or abused, I basically did not exist.


  1. Dis is really getting interesting by d day how can u even imagine dis kind d of tin in ur mind to change ur real God given identity to suit ur self fish interest so now God is not a gud creator, u peep dat is in dis biz of transgender should pls stop ,its no longer making sense

  2. All this gay guys
    transition isnt the problem ohh

    By the time ur anus have received a whole lot of rods in the other room and its unable to control or hold back ur feaces (shit) anymore
    yhu will jst be messing urself up when there is no toilet close to yhu

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