WhatsApp is the default app for messaging globally. A few years ago it knocked off BBM as the world’s leading app for sending instant messages and it has not looked back ever since.

While WhatsApp is the coolest app for sending and receiving instant messages on your mobile phone, communicating with your friends and sharing photos and videos, it can also be frustrating.

If you WhatsApp frequently there are some instances that would frustrate you or put you off.

These instances have nothing to do with the app itself but the person you are chatting with.

There are common methods in which people dull conversations which you must have fallen for over the years. Below is a list of annoying things that happens when chatting on Whatsapp.

1) Monosyllabic replies


Don’t you just hate it when someone replies all your messages with just one word ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

It feels like you are being stylishly brushed away. It hurts the most when you type your heart out and all you get is a damning yes or no.

It’s like being told to shut up with manners.

Click through the NEXT PAGES to continue with the list >


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