4. Forgetting The Ring.

An hour late already because her hair wasn’t done, then they lost ring bearer’s left shoe.

Finally getting to church there to find out that the maid of honor forgot the ring.

wedding goof4

5. Groom showing up almost 3 hours late

Ladies, can you survive the 3 hours with his moblie not reachable?

wedding goof5

A top commenter after reading the post on a popular Nigerian online forum had this personal experience to discuss:

“The worst would be to forget the wedding ring at home. I have been in that situation before. It wasn’t a funny experience ooo.

I was the best man for the day. I dressed up my man and we took our time to take pictures. I collected the ring box and my friend tried it on and were just teasing and playing around, only for his parents to rush in and tell us everyone is set and we should hop in the car.

I just pick up the ring box without checking. We got to the Church, straight into the wedding procession.

As the wedding was going on, nah eim the devil reminded me if the ring was actually in the box. Mehn! Nah so my face change. I wasn’t comfortable. I couldn’t excuse my self again cuz i was getting close to the time the pastor was to request for it.

My mind ran faster than Hussain bolt. When the pastor asked for the ring, I dragged my self from the chair…he collected it and opened it… But the ring was there…after every, I danced like I won $1m. People thought I was so excited for my friend”

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