Family values

Ladies are attracted to guys that have. This means you have to be the kind of guy that make time for family, because she judges you on that.

If you don’t visit home she then starts to think you wouldn’t’t have time for her if she was your girlfriend.

Also being kind hearted and selfless is a plus to get a girlfriend, if you’re nice to her but saucy to the waitress, then just know that you’ve lost your chance with her because ladies tend to keep every action on record, so she then feels when she gets serious with you, you’ll do the exact same thing to her.

Having a positive view on feminism is also a boost if you want to get a girlfriend, if you say things like “It’s a man’s world, women shouldn’t’t have a say” , Dear girlfriend-seeker you’ve have just turned off the relationship switch off, because no woman wants to hear things like that, in their eyes you’re already a monster.

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