#12 Stay in shape. You need to keep your cardiovascular system in top-notch shape. You’ll be needing a lot of stamina and endurance to have a good time.

So, go to the gym or go for a run. Keep yourself feeling good. Plus, it’ll also help with your self-confidence – a true win-win. [Read: Inspirational tips to get you motivated to work out]

#13 Set the mood. Sex is all about the energy between two people. That being said, set the mood for you and your partner.

Maybe light some candles, put on some love-making music, or cook a romantic meal – things that’ll sexually arouse you and your partner. You may think that this isn’t a big deal, but the little things can actually take you a long way.


  1. Always do exercises, eat good food like vitamins. Stay away from alcohol, and stay away from sugar if your are not doing some hard work with strength. And if you must take anything high to do a sex blow job or game. Just cook beans, unripe plantain, add cocoyam with little marijuana. That is more better and healthy than drugs.

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