#3 If your date really likes you, WHEN you have sex won’t really matter. One of the primary reasons people avoid sex on the first night is that it opens them up to judgment.

However, if your date is really into you and respects your decisions, then that could already serve as a great foundation for a relationship. Whether or not you have sex immediately shouldn’t affect the way they view you, and it may even instill a sort of admiration towards you for choosing to break the stigma.

On the other hand, if your date doesn’t even fancy you all that much, having sex now or on the 100th date won’t make much of a difference. They can just choose to never call you again, whether or not you sleep with them or they can just drag you along for a few dates until they ditch you because they were never really that into you.

#4 Sex is great, why deprive yourself because society says you should? However radical your views may be to others when it comes to sex, there will always be that teeny tiny voice that will tell you that society will judge you.

But if you immediately want to have sex with the person you’re on a date with, then who should stop you? You are, after all, capable of free will. You’re a consenting adult who’s aware of consequences. Don’t let the judgment of inconsequential people bother you because your sex life is not their business!

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